From a building page, click the building thumbnail image at the top left of the page. This opens the photo uploader.
The tabs at the top let you choose which type of photo to upload. For a building, you can upload building photos or neighborhood photos.
Add a building photo
Click the Building tab if it’s not already active to add building photos.
There are three ways to upload a building photo:
Drag and drop a photo from your computer onto the gray target area.
Click anywhere in the gray area to open your OS file picker and select a file from your computer.
Right click on an image from another web page, copy the image’s URL, then paste it in to the gray target area.
Arrange and delete building photos
Once a building photo has been uploaded, you can add more photos from the gray target area at the end of the list of photos.
You can drag and drop the photos to reorder them. The first photo in the list is the primary photo used to represent the building across the product, like on the building page, card view of a survey, etc.
You can delete a photo by clicking the x icon at the top right of the photo.